Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Global Crossroad Costa Rica Volunteer Review

Everything with my family was really good. They were really welcoming and I enjoyed playing games with Luis (the son). They were very kind in saying that I can come back to stay with them in 2 weeks. They always tried to include me in things that they were doing. This was good for things such as football matches and family meals together.
Families in Costa Rica are much more open and welcoming to strangers than in most other countries. I was able to go around to other people’s houses and talk to their families. Also, the families are much larger here than in other countries, so I got to meet other members of the family.
Marco was great with helping us volunteer at the orphanage. Danitica was a very good teacher, and very enthusiastic. I loved my homestay and the people I have met in Santa Cecilia, also. Christopher was great on the mini-adventure and patient with us. Thank you.


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