Saturday, November 26, 2011

My wonderful and very memorable journey in China


I have been occupied for quite a while before I can write you back. Here's my account of the wonderful and very memorable journey.

Giving reviews on volunteer abroad programs is a tougher task because volunteers basically opt volunteering to serve. Global Crossroad review is far easier in this context coz it was hugely fruitful and meaningful volunteering with them. Surely we enjoyed the trip to China very much including the giant panda conservation program. At the start of our travel, in the face of the worldwide H1N1 flu scare and surveillence measures particularly in Asian countries, there was indeed some inconvenience and uneasiness created for visitors from N America. However we arrived safely at Chengdu airport on Sunday May 31 to be greeted by Ada, the Global Crossroad local representative, a smiling and enthusiastic lady. Retrospectively, it would be more smooth for us if we knew beforehand the hotel name and address for completing the health declaration form and foreign visitor form at the Customs.

At the airport, Ada helpfully set the sim card for my cell phone to enable me to get connected at least with local calls and brought us to Home Inn conveniently located at city centre. She ensured our well being in the coming week before she flied back to Shangdong, like arranging a taxi to pick us up to and fro from panda base daily and ordering dinners for us at the Inn ( we requested not the hot spicy kind ! ) At later days I was able to solve the problem in getting IDD service by another way, ie simply buying an IP card from street stalls and started calling overseas from my cell phone.

On Mon Jun 1 sharp at 8:30, Ada introduced us to Ramona, the panda program coordinator who welcome us and walked us through beautiful and serene bamboo tree trails to arrive at our destinated enclosure where we found 4 pandas ( aged 1-2 years old ) already eating and playing outdoor and capturing many visitors' camera with their lovely playful poses. The jolly-looking Keeper immediatly showed us the cleaning duties indoor. We put on a blue gown, heavy gloves and boots ( thankfully we brought our own masks ) and started scooping up panda faeces for daily weighing, then sweeping the left behinds of bamboo shoots, pouring a bit of disinfectant before washing with a hose. After this we had the great opportunity of feeding the pandas by throwing plenty of young bamboo shoots to the playground. Of course we took many photos for ourselves. Ramona took us next to the cub panda enclosure where 8-10 cubs ( less than 1 year old ) are actively and vigorourly rolling. climbing and huggging each other ! We visited the little red pand zone and the panda theatre. The films were good with English commentation and beautiful music. We then had a rich and delicious lunch at 11:30 and long break till 2:30pm.

What awaited us in the afternoon was interesting. We prepared formula milk in dishes, crushed some medicine/supplement tablets to powder form to be added to the milk, drown up exactly 3ml medicine into syringes to be adminstered through mouth and cut up some apples. The 4 pandas were called by their names and obediently got ready indoor for their treats. We fed them at close distance and could pat their heads while they sucked the milk ! Afterwards they were cleaned up and bathed with a jet of shower. At the end of the day, Lesley and me enjoyed icecream and pancake at a cosy cafe by the lake. 

Tue and Wed 's schedules were similiar, but we could finish the cleaning duties faster. We fed the pandas outdoor this time by hanging out slices of apple and panda cake by a long stick, attracing them to stand up to catch them, sometimes stumbling over one another ! We had more free time and loved to explore other enclosures especially the cubs. Got to be there early enough, otherwise they would be carried indoor to A/C houses once the outside air became hotter than 26 C. During lunch breaks, we enjoyed relaxing with a cup of jasmine tea in front of the rose garden facing the swam lake where numerous big colourful fishes kept jumping up really jumping when you fed them. Or simply sat under the bamboo tress everywhere.

Thu was Kitchen day. We helped in moulding the panda cakes from dough made from powder of several organic grains which smelled good. Lesley also assisted in washing bags of yellow beans and kernels in a large sink and then placed them in large pans to be dried in a huge oven. We learned the different kinds of bamboo twigs and young shoots and how they were washed and delivered.

Fri Lesley was lucky to hug a little Red panda and took pictures at YMB 100. We visited the panda hospital but no chance to witness doctor's exam on a panda. In the afternoon, we had a lecture by the program manager. Her presentation was informative and helped to consolidate our knowledge on giant pandas.

Sat we did bird watching by the swam lake and successfully identified several kinds with use of binoculars. Time had come to say farewell to staff and the dear giant pandas. We must had encountered almost 25 of them in the week. Finally we were issued a certificate in recognition of our completion of the internship experience which will be remembered forever.

We moved onto our next tour of Chengdu city, Leshan Giant budda and Emei Shan. We enjoyed visiting the historic sites, parks, museums and buddish temples and learned a great deal about the Chinese culture, history and buddism, I liked the opportunity of meeting and talking to the young ladies and guys of present China, like Ada, Romona, cafe owner and our tour guide. Afterall the last time I visited China was over thirty years ago. And lastly I treasured the intimate moments travelling and experiencing together with mmy daughter Lesley.

All the best to everyone.


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